
Hi, Iā€™m a creator

#4 - 26 B2B businesses you can start today and their revenue models

Published about 1 month agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

#4 - 26 B2B businesses you can start today and their revenue models

Hi Reader!

Happy Easter šŸ°. I hope you had a nice holiday and did something fun or productive. This issue is a short one and this is because I anticipate that you'll spend a lot of time going through the content I've shared.


šŸ’” Business/Idea of the week

This week I'm sharing a list of 26 small B2B businesses that you can copy/start today. The list contains information about the company, how it started, revenue model, competitors, growth channels, number of employees and a lot more info.

You can find the full list here

The initial list was shared by Pat of StarterStory. But I trimmed the list to just B2B businesses to make it more actionable.

Have a look and let me know what you think!


šŸŽžļø Video of the week

video previewā€‹

This week, I wanted to share a video from Buildspace. Buildspace is like a school/ accountability group where people come together to build their projects. I was part of the program last year and it was cool.

In the video above, Furqan Rydhan, an investor and serial tech entrepreneur who co-founded Bebo and AppLovin amongst others, shared his learnings from 20 years of building tech businesses.

I really enjoyed how relatable and down to earth his talk was. No buzz words, no over optimisim, he spoke purely from his experience. It's about an hour long but I think it's worth the watch. There are interesting things to learn from it.


That's it! That's all for this issue.


Thanks for reading! Please reply to this email if you have any feedback.


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Always building,



Hi, Iā€™m a creator

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